What was Marty doing
with her arms above her head at the sleepover when Jan was singing that toothpaste song? I still don't know if she was supposed to be doing some kind of exercise or dancing or what it was.
sharewith her arms above her head at the sleepover when Jan was singing that toothpaste song? I still don't know if she was supposed to be doing some kind of exercise or dancing or what it was.
shareI'm hardly the expert on this, but it would appear to be that Marty is doing some sort of breast exercises,
either to make them more perky or try and make them bigger.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's it.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.
And you'd be right. At the time, the Sweater Girl trope was in full flow - and a mental chant would run - "I must, I must, I must improve my bust"
Chest Excerises---Way back then, women used to do those flex excercise to firm up their boobs so they won't sag. Although Marty was ...ehhh "big" so I guess she had a lot to worry about.
shareWhat was Marty doing? Getting my attention.
She was flexing to check her bounce per ounce!
shareShe was trying to make her boobs bigger.
shareDinah Manoff couldn't dance. That is why she was sitting during "Summer Nights".