MovieChat Forums > Gas Pump Girls Discussion > Now its on Amazon Prime instant video

Now its on Amazon Prime instant video

Just watched it tonight. Funny flick and I like how June was the brains of both the male and female group on several occasions in helping her uncle Joes gas station store survive and succeed from the crabby across the street rival Mr. "Friendly". She rocked and the film it has several hilarious moments. Classic R rated teen sex comedy. I dug it, man! 

Wish I had a place like that in my neighborhood...


Just watched this on Prime with the trivia turned on. And actually had a question I always wondered answered.

Why was Jane the only girl who kept her bra on during the graduation scene?

Turns out that Leslie King was topless for an extended scene in the Great American Girl Robbery, which came out earlier that year. She didn't like doing that, and decided not to do more topless scenes, even though she was already set to do this movie. The producers agreed to let her stay in her underwear, hoping she would change her mind later. She didn't.
