MovieChat Forums > Foul Play (1978) Discussion > Mr. Meredith and Mr. Moore

Mr. Meredith and Mr. Moore

Two very talented gentlemen who are now performing for the Producer Of All Things. They were both very funny in this film. I know more of Mr. Meredith's
work than Mr. Moore's.
He was the Penguin; he was in three Twilight zone episodes and also did the narration for the movie. He had more rolls than I can site here. Mr. Moore had wonderful comedic turns in Arhtur and Ten and others that escape me. I never heard him in concert, but I've heard that he was a talented pianist.

We miss you both very much, gentlemen.

If you were an alien observing this planet. would YOU want to make contact?


I heard him in concert, and he was absolutely EXCELLENT. If you've any interest in seeking out some of his musical works, I would recommend his Songs Without Words album, or this Live From An Aircraft Hangar cd. :) Almost good as seeing him in person!


I forgot you said that... you know I'm completely jealous!!! :-D

"Pardon me. Oh, you're a hedge!"
~Dudley Moore as Arthur Bach


I appreciate your respect for these two men. No much of that around anymore. God bless.
