My Aunt Was An Extra In the Opera Scene
My aunt, a lifelong San Franciscan was picked along with three friends to sit in the opera house for the big finale. She can clearly be seen screen right (or Dudley Moore's left) in the fourth row on the end with gray hair and glasses. They shot all the crowd scenes in one long day and she said they were treated wonderfully with lots of food and entertainment (apparently the orchestra was real and played for them) plus a small paycheck. She said Colin Higgins was attentive to the whole crowd and talked with them often during the day as they set up each shot. She did add that both Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase appeared sporadically but never really talked to the crowd but waved. Of course at that time she had no idea who Dudley Moore was said he was friendly to the crowd as well. Just thought I would pass that along to you "Foul Play" fans.