Dirty Scrabble
One of the funniest things about this movie is the "dirty Scrabble" being played by the nice little old ladies.
Some may call it tasteless.....but I thought it was hilarious.
In a PG movie, to boot!
One of the funniest things about this movie is the "dirty Scrabble" being played by the nice little old ladies.
Some may call it tasteless.....but I thought it was hilarious.
In a PG movie, to boot!
Yes, this is my funniest scene in the movie with the shocking words the little old ladies compile. Does mf have a hyphen???!!! I once watched a version on BBC TV and they edited this scene out. It completely wrecked the movie for me!
"You made me miss!I've never missed that board before".
I just watched that scene and was impressed with the way it was shot/edited, which was probably why the movie got a PG rating. They show a word ending in F. Then they show the one woman with the "UCK" tiles and you can't see the F when they are put down. When the 2nd woman puts down the "ER", they don't show the F and then when "MUTHER" is put down, you can only see the F. It's very cleverly done and probably just skirted the rating issue by not showing the whole word.
sharei'm not much for swearing but i must admit i got quite a chuckle whilst seeing that scene!
The funny thing is, I never noticed or paid attention to what they were spelling. I have seen this movie so many times, since I was a kid. I finally saw it again the other night and when I saw what they were spelling I laughed my arse off. I cannot believe I missed that!
You can't change who people are without destroying who they were.....~The Butterfly Effect~
That's right! :)
You can't change who people are without destroying who they were.....~The Butterfly Effect~
her name was Hope Summers and she didn't act in a movie until she was almost 60 years old.check her resume-she was great in everything.
shareher name was Hope Summers and she didn't act in a movie until she was almost 60 years
Definately an inspired scene.
The scene merely showed the two elderly women playing Scrabble; the shots of
the board were simply edited out. The first time ABC tried to show this film,
in 1981, it was the same week in May in which there was an assassination attempt
on Pope John Paul II; the broadcast was postponed until a later date.
What I'm wondering is: In Dirty Scrabble, is an alternate spelling acceptable?
I would not have used a "U" in the word "mother," as one of the ladies did.
I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!
It's a good scene because it's done by old ladies, man was it fun to watch, though I was thinking there is no u in that word.
shareI think that what makes it funny.
First that they not only have the four letter word but they keep building on it!
And then that the second lady challenges the first that the word should have a hyphen and the first lady replies apologetically, well I just thought I'll give it a shot, while both of them don't notice the much more obvious mistake!
We were almost R O F L over that part!!!
Two old ladies, playing a classic game of Scrabble... as poor, drenched, disheveled Gloria is desperately trying to get their attention, in the downpour, by *waving* a muddied, bare leg up against their window....
[b]I think you used a hyphen! You can't do that.
Oh???? (innocent giggle)