The Far Out Cowboy
On the rush to the opera house, Lieutenant Tony Carlson requires a total of three vehicles to get there after ruining the first two vehicles. The first vehicle was the bishop's limousine that Carlson crashes into an Italian restaurant called Luigi's.
At that point, he sees a cowboy getting out of his pickup truck and Carlson asks that he drive him to the opera house, but then asks him to move over as Carlson drives himself. I'm sure you remember the only lines that the cowboy says: "Far out." The cowboy says that a total of four times, first when Carlson asks him to drive him to the opera house, and three more times in the truck. Finally, when Carlson has its trailer detached from the truck and then crashes the truck, Carlson simply says to the cowboy: "Far out".
Any thoughts on that cowboy?
I wonder if the San Francisco police department fully compensated the cowboy with a brand new pickup truck and trailer.