Aired on Network TV?

Anyone remember if this movie aired on any of the networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) a few years after it was released as other movies tend to do? Just curious because of the content and length of it.


I recall this movie airing uncensored in the 1980's with a disclaimer for adult content. Not sure which network.


According to wiki, CBS paid for 3 airings of the film to start in the early 80s, but opted out feeling of the film had too much foul language.

"Jesus, does anyone?"


WWOR in New York (ch 9) aired it uncut on Election night 1980. Even had an intermission halfway through. That was the first time I saw it, and fell in love with it immediately.


I remember the Ch 9 airing as well.

You're lucky DarkWolf - my parents wouldn't let me watch it.

I was 10.


I was lucky. My folks didn't really censor what my sister and I were allowed to watch. But they watched with us in case of any questions we may have. I was 11.
