slow walkers

i am so much love this movie. i often do i see it, will be used for at least i will. i have noticed that things zombies in this film is a too slow and blue. how the whole of the entire army was overrun with these pathetic creatures, is it posible to be able to be destroyed? in my opinion, this is the main flaw of this movie. why? romero would do something very stupid?

they finny and funny and oh so delishjoyful and jolly jokerfish!


They over-ran the army because of their numbers - millions of them by the time of the events in Day of the Dead...

As for being too slow, how quickly do you want a corpse to move? Obviously this is fiction, but it has to keep some grounding in reality...


I've seen this argument a lot of times.
Just look at some of the characters in popular zombie fiction:
Peter and Roger - SWAT gone AWOL
Rik and Shane - Sheriffs gone AWOL
Day of Dead soldiers - in utter chaos, killing the team they're protecting.
28 days later soldiers- more chaos, raping civvies.
Mobs in night and dawn - drinking beer, acting like good ol boys.
Wooley - crazy, killing civvies.

Let's face it slow or fast, if zombies were real the authorities aren't going to make it all better, that's a point of the social commentary being made.


Slow is better.No reason a reanimated corpse would move super-quickly. And since Romero essentially created the genre, he gets to decide what the "official" zombie speed should be.
