Why is it impossible to find a an uncut/extended/widescreen version of the film on region 2 dvd?

I feel like I've been searching my whole life for such a thing, or at least 30 minutes on ebay and amazon...

I can't watch the 2 hour version as I miss Joe Pilato's cameo, and the cut with the exploding head removed and zombie kids taken out is just absurd, but at the same time the 4:3 version deeply irritates.

Am I missing something, or is there simply not a 155 minute cut with all the extended scenes and no gore cuts, AND in widescreen?


He left a note. He left a simple little note that said, "I've gone out the window."


They cut the zombie kids after the dunblane shootings from the versions available then.
The r1 ultimate box set is good, as is the oop UK bluray.
The headshot at the beginning wasn't in UK cuts for years.


Thanks for the response.

I remember Tom Savini talking on the commentary track about censors trimming out the zombie kids on new releases as a result of Dunblane, which I suppose makes sense (I was 11 years old and going to school in Scotland when that happened, and remember the huge impact it had in the UK). The exploding head getting cut seems pointless though, especially given that it actually appears on the menu screen on the UK dvd.

I've been looking for a dvd (rather than blu ray) and can't play R1s, but I did find a Polish dvd release which is uncut, widescreen and R2, so, problem solved :)


He left a note. He left a simple little note that said, "I've gone out the window."
