I'm not sure if it's this movie...

...buttt...is this the movie where you see a woman locked in a room, and there's a scarecrow-type figure hiding under her covers, and later on near the end of the movie you see the woman standing in a cornfield at the scarecrow is behind her?

I saw this on A&E many years ago but have no clue what it is, if it's actually this movie or something else...any help would be appreciated.


No, DSOHH isn't that movie. It might be Crowhaven? -What you described reminds me of an episode of 'Tales from the Crypt' called 'Four-Sided Triangle' - Patricia Arquette plays a servant girl on a farm, but I'm not sure if that's the program you saw. You could try typing in the word 'scarecrow' on this site & see what comes up. Good Luck:)



Or 'Children Of The Corn'?



Hi, i'm french and live in Belgium.
Can someone tell me if there is a scene with a door on fire (or not) falling on a woman or a man or is that scene in the other TV movie "Crowhaven Farm" with John Carradine ? Because it's the only memory i have from such a horror master peace i've seen in the 70's on TV in France. I've made deep research on the famous series "Night Gallery" but the scene i'm describing seems not to be in that series but i hope it is in The Dark Secret of Harvest Home.


you're most definitely thinking of Crowhaven Farm. Let me know if you're having trouble tracking it down.
