MovieChat Forums > Coma (1978) Discussion > The maintenance guy *here be spoilers* ...

The maintenance guy *here be spoilers* !!!

One thing I've never understood, much as I like this movie:
Why on earth didn't that maintenance guy report what was going on? He says to Susan: 'I've seen how they do it', meaning he knows that those involved in killing the patients are using carbon monoxide, and how they are giving it to them in surgery. So why did he not call the police or report it to some other authority? Are we meant to surmise, perhaps, that Harris/others involved in the killings knew that the maintenance guy was on to them, and threatened to kill him if he called the cops? Therefore, did he tell Susan what was going on hoping that she would report and stop it without any risk to himself? I should say that I am autistic and don't always interpret things correctly, but I do wonder about this aspect of the plot.
Your mother darns socks in hell


My take on the maintenance guy is he didn't know whom to tell and still keep his job. If he called the cops, the hospital would dismiss his story, dismiss him and probably kill him – or more likely harvest his organs. He knew Susan was on to their tactics, so he thought she was safer in seeing the revelation through.

But one thing from the maintenance guy's death I don't understand: Why didn't the hit man kill Susan as well? Didn't he see her there and know she was meeting with the maintenance guy/whistle-blower?

Great film, though.


I think they wanted her to see what would happen to her if she kept it up; maybe he didn't kill her right away because then there would be two unexplained deaths! It might have been a warning to stop what she was investigating.

After this film came out I was afraid of seeing doctors for a while, just like people were afraid to go swimming becuase of Jaws! lol



I'll buy that. It could have been a set-up as a warning of what would happen to her if she didn't just drop it.

This and "Jaws" are superb thrillers, back when thrillers were still believable.


Yeah too bad they don't make em like that anymore huh.....nowadays there are plots that are so confusing and you're sitting there like huh????
Hollywood needs to keep it clean and simple; more realistic that way too.



Indeed. There are so many gimmicks and gadgets today at the expense of plot and character development. This film introduces the characters and the tension gradually. It's like reading a good novel.


Exactly! and using your mind for the psychological moments is far more enhancing than seeing everythig laid out on the table! And as far as good novels - those too seem to be on the wayside... :(



I don't read a lot of recent fiction. Most of the novels I've read lately have been from some of my favorite movies: "The Omen," "Ordinary People," "The Notebook." Mostly I read autobiographies.


I read older fiction as well. Just better. It's just better. Everything that has been said has been both plausible and perspective on the subject.

My personal take is that he (the maintenance guy) was afraid, and backed into a corner about it (the conspiracy.) The reason for the man not killing Susan was that he did NOT plan to kill her - until later that day when he has probably consulted Dr. George.

"...Every minute passing I wanna hold you. Every minute gone is too long a time."


I'll buy that. I think a lot of maintenance guys (and gals) have a lot of dirt (so to speak) on what's really happening in the buildings they service, but they keep it to themselves if they know what's good for them -- and they do.
