
No decision is easy, Sue. It only looks that way when you're young. When you're older, everything is complicated. There is no black and white, only gray

what did the doc mean by that?was there some hidden symbolism to it?


no, it was just an insane crime.

don't worry, there is not much you missed. It was just insane and absurd nonsense trying to justify an insane crime, which was JUST BLACK, not GRAY as he tried to make her believe. There was NO WHITE part in the black.


ok thanks


Yes...You get more of an idea of what he is driving at if you hear Robin Cook discuss his reasoning for why he wrote COMA. The good doctor was not just doing it for the money but to (at least in his twisted mind) help those in need of transplants. Doctors are forced into an ethical dichotomy when dealing with patients with organ failure. They want to, been trained to save lives but the fact that most transplant patients die waiting for a close to perfect match in a transplant organ still pervades the medical profession and society today. There simply are not enough donors for everyone that needs a replacement organ. In his sick and twisted way, this was his way of helping one group of individuals, the ones that need transplants. If you rationalize how many people die every day over how many are organ donors, you could make a leap of logic that taking some lives to donate a few organs to the mulitude of needy recipients is justifiable. That is what he and Robin Cook were trying to get across to the audience.

Thousands die every day for no reason at all, where's your bleeding heart for them?


Yeah, but they are killing healthy young people to harvest organs for older and/or sicker people. Doesn't really make sense in the economics of life. It makes sense in the financial economics of the doctor.


''Yeah, but they are killing healthy young people to harvest organs for older and/or sicker people. Doesn't really make sense in the economics of life.''

yea that's the point the audience are meant to understand but the other poster was merely pointing out that these men were trying to justify their actions under this
