Yeh their are a few folk out there that are not to fond of the ending but i think the way they pull up in the car then jog slow motion style to the fake funeral glancing at each other with smiles on there faces as they know there about to bust the thing wide open is briliant !
I remember hating it the first time I saw it... But that was in the mid 80's and I was ten years old. I think I wanted more of a definite ending - meaning I wanted to see the bad guys get what was coming to them. I have since changed my mind, and I really like the fact that it leaves any consequenses open to the viewers imagination. 'Capricorn One', by the way, is one of my all time favourite movies.
My only complaint about the ending is the timeline...
Brubaker calls his home from the gas station, but his wife has already left for the memorial service.
Shortly after that, he is picked up by biplane, and a chase follows.
They finally kill the two helicopter pilots.
How far from Houston does the chase take place? (Trying to think of where in Texas the chase takes place)...
Anyway, after the rescue, they are able to drive back in the car (up to 300 miles away), and still make it back during the memorial service - either it was an incredibly long memorial service, or that car is very fast.
Had to have been, if at all, (far)west Texas, NASA is waterfront property (Clear Lake) on the Gulf Coast. Also the runaway Mustang scenery looked like Baytown, I could be wrong.
I'd be surprised if Houston was a filming location at all.
"If Mad Max Fury Road is an 8 (I gave it a 1). Then I'll use 8 for OK, 9 is better, 10 is best."
Just watched it again on Blu-Ray. I loved the ending too!
I'm glad we got to see some reaction shots as Brubaker and Caulfield are running towards the funeral, especially Kelloway's: he's like "OH AM I *beep* I thought it would have been neat to have Brubaker's kids saying to Kay "Mommy, it's Daddy!" before she turned back around, but I liked her reaction as well. would have been fun to see Caulfield grab one of the microphones, grab Kelloway, and say "why don't you tell the world what happened!" Of course, Kelloway may have been running for his car by then...
I'm sure Caulfield got ahead as a reporter too, having gotten the "scoop of the century", as his assignment editor put it. What do you suppose happened to him, after he told the network that he fired Caulfield? But I digress...
And you wanna know the worst part? You're from outta state!
I know it's supposed to reflect a happy ending, but the smile on Brolin's face seems very out of place. Yes, he's happy to see his family and let them know that he's not dead, but his fellow astronauts (and probably best friends) have been murdered. He shouldn't look like someone who just got told he's getting a paid vacation to spend with his family.
I liked the ending, but the slow motion looked a bit... goofy. Still it gave plenty of time for them to show us the reactions of everyone at the memorial service.
I agree the slow motion looked a little odd, but I guess you are right it gave time for the reactions. I think I would be tripping out if I was his wife.