Season 2 episode BASEBALL

watchingthe box set now, after not really seeing the show for many years and as I watched BASEBALL I remembered something strange. When I first saw that episode as a kid I cryed! I found the story aboit les's mother never letting him play sports as a child sad, and I was so happy that as an adult he helped them win the game.

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I, too, just finished watching that episode. It was kind of sad, but Les redeemed himself by making the decisive play, even if it was by accident.
It was his Charlie Brown moment, when for once something went his way. It was a sadly-sweet episode, and one of the few filmed outside.


I always cry at that episode too. I just watched it again last night. This show is the cat's ass. Though it should be called SOFTBALL.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonBUZZZZZZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes
