MovieChat Forums > The Incredible Hulk (1977) Discussion > Would YOU Question Banner's sexuality?

Would YOU Question Banner's sexuality?

Looking back at the old epidides, doesn't Banner seem at times "closet ",maybe?

True,he was supposed to be the polar opposite of the alpha male Hulk but at times he was a little too mold mannered,ya think?


'Mild-mannered' = gay? Really?


I agree with you,…… so does that mean neat,tidy & well mannered also qualify? Doesn't make sense to me.


Married twice, serious with other women. David's priority was finding a cure. But even he became a "lonely man" and occasionally got involved. And bonus, in "Married" he was in a relationship with someone trying to help him find a cure.


I understand the "mild mannered" personal but Bixby played Banner a little too asexual.
I was watching a marathon of the old black & white Superman episodes. Clark Kent was "...a mild mannered reporter for the Daily Bugle" but George Reeves stay played him ad a take charge guy even as Clark Kent.

If you were looking for a cure for your metamorphosis, you would probably be impatience, with a sense of urgency and a hint if selfishness with little time to get involved with other people's problems.


Asexual? He got married three times!

What do you want him to do, sleep with a new woman every episode?


The man wasn't virile. He was the most menacing with "Don't make angry. You would like me when I'm angry " but Bixby got his ass beat up to quickly.


He lost 3 women in rapid succession (laura,elaina carolyn) Any more would have totally shattered the man.


So, if a man isn't physical tough and muscular, then he's asexual?

I don't understand your reasoning at all.


Don't get me wring. I like Bixby as Banner because well hell, it's like Christopher Reece will always be Superman but Bixby was a little too underplayed as Banner. He could have played it better.



I hate these type of threads.

David Banner was not gay. Notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat.

But I did notice an interesting scene in the "Like a Brother" episode. David was working at a car wash. When his co-worker Mike asked him over for dinner it looked like Mike was asking him out. Mike was played by Stuart K. Robinson. Robinson is best known for playing assistant trainer Johnny in the first two Rocky movies. That episode had another Rocky connection. The late Tony Burton played drug lord Taylor George. Burton acted in all six Rocky movies as trainer/manager Duke.
