Need To Be A Complete Soundtrack Release of the Show....
I know that there was like a number of soundtrack releases of the Incredible Hulk by Joe Harnell The Incredible Hulk: Original Soundtrack Recording, Incredible Hulk 2: Prometheus Parts 1 & 2, Joe Harnell (CD) Incredible Hulk 3: The First Parts 1 & 2, Joe Harnell (CD)
Incredible Hulk: Married and Homecoming, Joe Harnell
Though some of these soundtracks are very hard or expensive to get hold off... and definitely would like to see a soundtrack boxset of all the music cues for the show, including the hulk out music. There is one track that was used in a couple of episodes i'd love to have... can be heard in Captive Night when the crook throws the dumb bell at the Hulk love the music build up and piano piece in the music.