MovieChat Forums > The Incredible Hulk (1977) Discussion > This Is Really the Best Superhero TV Sho...

This Is Really the Best Superhero TV Show of All Time

I can honestly say that, having watched and continuing to watch all of the superhero shows both past and present that are currently airing on television.

Basically an anthology series with a three-man regular cast, this show has more depth and poignancy than any well-developed serialized superhero show.

Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno are among the best superhero actors ever.

Ferrigno actually makes his Hulk an actual thinking, feeling, curious character, as opposed to the CGI smash machine of the Marvel movies.

ShadowsouL, Self-Appointed Honorary Moof Milker



Nah, there are occasional good episodes, but most of them are awful, and his transformations into the Hulk are frequently contrived, and then the Hulk usually doesn't actually do anything except growl and flex his muscles.

And the biggest problem with the show is that over time it becomes clear that every episode is the same.


And changed quite a lot from the source material.


I think the actors make it. Something really likable about Bixby. Ferrigno and even Colvin too.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's "SF"!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


It was barely a comic book adaptation at all, it was just Incredible Hulk by name and basic concept of a man turning into a monster whenever he's angry.


And it's still one of the best superhero shows of all time! Nothing has to be accurate to be great. Look at Bela Lugosi's Dracula, or Jaws. Drastic changes from source material, yet they're two of the greatest horror/thrillers of all time. The Incredible Hulk is still a superhero, but on a different level from the comic books, and has the basic jist. Even Stan Lee adores the show, and it's hard not to. I agree with the OP. Incredibly depthy series with amazing performances all round and lots of development, as well as intriguing stories.


Honestly, whatever its quality might be (and to be completely honest, I think the ratio of bad episodes to good ones is extremely high) I don't think it could be considered 'one of the best superhero series of all time' simply because I don't think it is 'a superhero series' at all.


It's not really a comic book adaptation, it's just The Incredible Hulk by name and basic concept of a man turning into a raging monster.


I don't think it could be considered 'one of the best superhero series of all time' simply because I don't think it is 'a superhero series' at all.

Well, you're wrong. The hulk is, indeed, a superhero in this series. CGI explosions in every episode aren't what make a show a superhero series.

Sure, there were some dud episodes, like in every series, but for its time, it was great.


The Hulk, as a character, is not a superhero, even in the comics, he is not a superhero. He is not a 'hero' at all.


It wasn't meant to be strictly from the comics. LOOSELY based on it, as the source material, of course...but this show was a LITTLE deeper than the comics. That's what made it good.

But, whatever. If you just wanted a straight from the comics series, and a bunch of CGI explosion crap (that didn't exist in the late 70s-early 80s), this show probably wasn't for you. It was great for its time.


The problem about people calling it great or the definitive version is the danger of becoming overly influenced by it, which happened with many characters who had a lot of adaptations and had one that is iconic.


Why you wanna do it if you wanna change it into something unrecognizable? Why not do your own stories? Why bother with it if you wanna change everything?


but this show was a LITTLE deeper than the comics.

No, it isn't. How much familiarity, knowledge, do you have of the Hulk comics? Both Bruce Banner and the Hulk, in the comics, are extremely psychologically complex characters, especially since the early 80's when Bill Mantlo added the backstory that Bruce Banner was abused by his father (Brian Banner) growing up.

Bill Mantlo portrayed the Hulk as a manifestation of Bruce Banner's subconscious rage about the abuse he suffered as a child. Since Mantlo's brief run, Peter David introduced the idea that the reason why Bruce is never cured is because he doesn't want to be, subconsciously, he likes being the Hulk because it gives him a chance to release some of his hidden anger and aggression that lurks just below the surface of his personality. Later, David introduced the idea that Bruce turning into the Hulk was a manifestation of disassociative personality disorder, what is commonly known as a split personality.

None of the psychological complexity of the comics is present in the show.

Also, the narratives in the comics are far more complex. In this TV series, every story is wrapped up in 60 minutes, or, rarely, within 120 minutes. In the comics, a story can go on for months or even years.

The TV series is severely hampered by the almost total lack of serialized storytelling on the show, and the need to hit the 'reset button' at the end of every episode so that nothing that happens in an episode ever has any long term consequences.

I like this show, but the comics are far deeper and complex, there is no doubt of that.


Why The Incredible Hulk Is Still Marvel’s Best TV Show


Nope. That is definitely Legion!


Agreed. This show was awesome!!


Very new to the incredible hulk only watched last month but its very good.
Its no to dated I don't think.


That's a great thing to for a new viewer to have appreciation for a classic show like this. Of course watching now can never have the same impact on a person as it did back in the days when it was first run. But you liking it now after never seeing it shows what a good quality series it truly is.
