"The name of the whore who gave birth to you?"
"The name of the pimp who raped her?"
"All Jewish women are whores."
Yeah, those guys questioning Karl were the very picture of professional. Not at all cowardly, racist bullies and a bunch of preening little boys in men's bodies pumped up on patriotic gobbledygook while on a poisonous testosterone trip.
Oh. Wait. They were.
Try again.
That scene emphasizes everything wrong with them. Not only do they believe they're better than the men they're interrogating, but it fills them with such jolly glee they can barely contain themselves, smirking and giggling their way through every interview, and the speed and ferocity with which they dispense physical punishment to everyone who doesn't answer each question precisely to their liking, or who dares to talk back, speaks volumes about them as individuals. They're formerly powerless men who suddenly feel big and tough because they're wearing snazzy uniforms and have power over these other people. They aren't even trying to hide the fact it's fun for them to mock, belittle and abuse these Jewish men. The Allgemeine-SS were the least professional soldiers ever, and have a vastly undeserved reputation for being "elite."
I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?