MovieChat Forums > Holocaust (1978) Discussion > HOLLOCAUST VS WINDS OF WAR


Which is a better mini series. I'm considering purchasing one, but have never seen either.


"The Winds Of War" depicts events right up to the entry of the USA into WWII. We see the initial persecution of the Jews, but not the Holocaust. The sequel to "The Winds Of War," "War And Remembrance," deals with the Holocaust, and other events as well, but it is best known for its depiction of the Holocaust. I own both WOW and WAR on DVD and they are amongst my favorites; however, I've never seen "Holocaust," so I can't comment on it. However, if you are looking for something only on the Holocaust, maybe you should go for the series of that name, as "War and Remembrance" is 30 hours long, and as I said, while the depiction of the Holocaust is the best I've ever seen in a non-documentary, it is not the only storyline.

If anybody on this board has seen both "War and Remembrance" and "Holocaust" I'd be interested in your comparisons and comments.

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"Holocaust" has been aired on German TV in 1979 (I was born in 1955 and grew up with a highschool system where the events of WW II were still ignored). It was a big break through for the German media!

All off a sudden there were many WW II and Holocaust documentaries on German TV and Holocaust survivors got interviewed. I recorded it all on VCR and watched it and cried. My parents had told me about the Holocaust when I was about 11 or 12 years old and probably still too young to really understand what had happened during the second world war.
So watching "Holocaust" (1978) opened my eyes and my mind and it changed my life forever.

From now on I watched not only every documentary on WW II and on the Holocaust, I also watched every movie, TV movie or TV mini series on this topic.

I have to agree that the first 7 sequels from "The Winds of War" are my favorite (I did not enjoy the 12 sequels with Jane Seymour as much as she lacks the radiance of Ali McGraw), but "Holocaust" will always have a place in my heart for being the one mini series that changed my life and my view point on life and history.

It made me visit the new Holocaust Museum in Washington D. C. where I spent an entire day.

Well, it's very hard to say which of the two mini series is better.
Maybe the difference is that "Holocaust" takes place in Europe only wheras "WOW" (1983) and "WAR" (1988) take place in the US, in Europe and in the Pacific. They are covering all important battles of WW II and as the previous reviewer mentioned, they are not focussing only on the Holocaust, but it still is the most important topic among several other war-related topics.

Read Herman Wouk's novels on which "WOW" and "WAR" are based and you will most likely agree that these books are the best account of the time from 1939 until August of 1945. There are close to hundred very interesting reader's reviews on for these Herman Wouk books.

I also read the book by Gerald Green on which "Holocaust" is based. It's very well written and I can recommend reading both, Green and Wouk.

My recommendation: watch both, "Holocaust" at first and then "The Winds of War" followed by "War and Remembrance". You won't be disappointed. And you will learn a lot about WW II.


That's a tough question. Both were great but it's difficult to compare. Winds of War and War and Remembrance encompass all of World War II with equal time given to both, the battles and the holocaust. It's a WWII series and it really presents the impact on the entire world so you can feel just how huge this war really was. I've watched the entire series several times and I think it's beautifully done.

I thought Holocaust was sadder because it focused on this one family being torn apart and destroyed after you grew to love them as a unit. And it's truly heart wrenching to watch this devastation and cruelty happen. In fact, I felt completely exhausted after watching a couple of the episodes.

The bottom line: both are brilliant so I can't chose.


I would have to cast my vote for "Winds of War"/"War and Remembrance". IMHO the production values were a little higher than in "Holocaust", though it too is a moving work.


Following up on my previous post: I have now seen "Holocaust." (From Netflix.)

I liked it, it is good, especially considering it is made-for-television.

But "War And Remembrance" is far superior, IMO.

Ok, I know that they are not in a "competition" and I don't want to be seen as putting down "Holocaust," which is a fine effort.

But for my money, W & R has far higher production values, a better script, a bigger universe of interesting characters, and is much more graphic in portraying the horrors of the Holocaust. In fact it is the most chilling portrayal of the Holocaust I have ever seen.

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I'm sure by now, you have seen both, but this is such a great question. Which is better really depends on point of view.
Holocaust was made first, in the 70's. Few survivors would speak to the production team to assist the story, so it's to the creators credit that it turned out as good as it is.
It was, however Holocaust that stirred so many memories of survivors, that they started talking in droves. From this testimony, and the documentaries and books and such that came out afterward, came the desire to film "Winds of War/War and Remembrance. So, in effect the three television productions are all related in a way.
It should also be noted that War and Remembrance was the first (and as far as I know) ONLY dramatic production to have been allowed filming at the actual Auschwitz site... making the content that much more potent.
I disagree with the opinion on Jane Seymour's portrayal, though. While I do agree that McGraw was better for the part, Seymour does the best work of her career in her portrayal.
My advice to anyone with the same question... get all three. Watch Holocaust first, then the Winds of War, and then War and Remembrance for an unforgettable experience into the civillian's plight (particularly the Jews) during WWII.

The more complex the mind.. the greater the need for the simplicity of play"


It has been years since I saw them, but I think that Holocaust is the one you want, mostly because, to my mind, it was a more serious effort. Winds of War includes a very large romance element that seems to me now (and seemed to me then) as an effort to engage female viewers and was really not important to the story. Holocaust just - well, brutal. Add to that, Robert Mitchum was just too old for the role.

Holocaust will stick with you; Winds of war / War and Remembrance will not (in my opinion).
