The White House...

We All Know that Fantasy Island was Filmed on Kauai,Hawaii.
After Tatoo would shout out "The Plane,The Plane...
The Plane would Land and approach this White Building...

Does anyone Know of the "Exact" Beach of where that White House is Located?
Any Idea of what the House is Named?
Is it accessible to the Public?

I'm Sure it's not far From the "Spouting Horn".

Any Replies to this would be Greatly appreciated.

L :-)



Some of the exterior scenes were filmed in Hawaii, yes, but the house isn't there. If you mean the main house that Mr. Roarke lives does really exist and it's open to the public. It's the Queen Anne cottage at the L.A. Arboretum in Arcadia, CA. I myself went to see it for the first time in June '06. They do have tours of the inside, but only a couple of times a year. However, you can go and see the outside anytime. It still looks just the same as it did when they were filming "Fantasy Island". You can get admission rates and hours on the arboretum's website.
