Reasons why this is better than the new movies.
1. Peter Parker is actually cool, instead of a friggin cry baby who breaks down and blubbers when his girlfriend dumps him.
2. Web Shooters. Spider-man does NOT shoot webs from his forearms. He never did until that ultimate Spider-man crap.
3. The costume. Tobey Maguire sewed that movie suit himself? Riiiiight. The original is more comic accurate and actually looks homemade, is more colorful, and creepier looking.
4. The FX. Oh look, an ACTUAL PERSON climbing up the side of an ACTUAL BUILDING. I'll take that and day over a CGI Spider-man who isn't there.
5. The stories. No, there were no super-villains, but the writers did a great job coming up with cool plots and scenarios involving more traditional criminals.
6. The music. Man, that 70's funk is what Spidey is all about. The mid-late 70's and early eighties remain the definitive age of Marvel. The comics, shows, cartoons, and Megos were at their peak.