Par for the course back then. Remember the old George Reeves Superman series? There were none of Superman's villains in that show either. The 1960s Batman had Batman's comic villains, but the show was also intentionally over-the-top campy.
This was made long before superhero movies became popular, and even before the 1978 Superman movie with Christopher Reeve made people think there might be a general audience for comic book heroes. They likely used mundane "real world" villains for this series for the same reason the 1950s Superman series did: they thought one guy in tights was as much as most adult audiences could swallow, and if they went the whole hog on comic characters, the show wouldn't attract any older viewers at all, which would mean less ad revenue. Also, most TV writers, for better or worse, seem to prefer writing their own stuff to adapting someone else's pre-existing stories. So, out went almost all of Spidey's non-costumed supporting characters as well.