Is this the film where the bad guy plays a video of the Nazi's with loud music and it terrifies the good guys.

And if not, what film is that?




Yup, this is the one - the villain is the dark wizard Blackwolf and he uses the nazi propoganda films, excavated from ancient ruins, to demoralise and destroy the elven and fairy nations.


Ye, I just Watched this for the first time, the Moment i saw the Swasticha, I was quite shecked, this is not what i was expecting froma 70s Cartoon.

Let's put a smile on that face Hehehahahaha!


That's Bakshi for you. Have you ever seen his version of The Lord of the Rings?

El sueño de la razón produce monstruos.


Yes, I didn't notice anyhting to adult in it, I mainly felt it rushed thru everything to quicly.

America's Last Hope for Freedom!!!!


Not everything Bakshi did was 'adult content.' Have you ever heard of a cartoon series called "Mighty Heroes?"

Bakshi's process for Lord of the Rings involved shooting footage of live actors and then animating them, frame-by-frame. He laid down the groundwork as far as imagining the appearances of characters and situations. Peter Jackson's version relied on Bakshi in a number of instances. Compare, for instance, the scene in "Fellowship," where the hobbits are on the road to the Inn, and a Black Rider comes looking for them. Shot for shot, Jackson's version matches Bakshi's.

El sueño de la razón produce monstruos.


Funy, I remember watching the Cartoon and thnking how different that scene was.

America's Last Hope for Freedom!!!!


I believe some of the footage came from Triumph of the Will

But not all of it. Probably also some newsreel footage.


Footage from the Soviet film, "Aleksander Nevsky" was also used, IIRC. I also recognized scenes from "Zulu".
