I just saw this for the first time (that I can remember), and...I would think it'd be ok for roughly 9yr olds - depending on their ability to enjoy it. I know some 15yr olds that still wouldn't be able to enjoy it, but I saw Heavy Metal when I was 8 and liked that. It depends on the child...and the parents. The DVD I just bought still says it's PG (out loud anyway, I haven't read the case). In the commentary and interview he keeps mentioning how he was looking for an honest animated film for kids, and making comparisons with Disney, which leads me to believe he was thinking pre-teens, maybe now pre-school, but pre-teens anyway. I don't think nudity would be an issue, since it was only fairies that were naked, and Fantasia featured the same thing. Nazi images wouldn't have been a problem, since they were the bad guys and as long as you're teaching kids to hate Nazis they're ok on film (to 70s censors anyway). Some curse words were ok too, d@mn being used a few times in The Last Unicorn. ratings were just...different then. And I don't know too many movies that have had their ratings changed to meet modern standards, unless maybe if they were being shown on tv, since the tv ratings are a little different.
...that's my two cents anywa!
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