MovieChat Forums > Wizards (1977) Discussion > One of the things that Avatar sez to Bla...

One of the things that Avatar sez to Blackwolf at the end... (Spoilerz)

"I'm gonna show you a little trick that mom showed me when you weren't around. It was for special events just like this. Oh yeah, one more thing...I'm glad you changed your last name, you son of a bitch!"

Interesting that he calls his own BROTHER a son of a bitch...but what I've always wondered about is what precisely this means. Why did she show him that trick...or is that just the point, that she wasn't so divinely sweet and angelic as the prologue had suggested? Did she want Avatar to kill her brother so that her favourite son would rule the Kingdom?

What do you guys think??


He called his BROTHER, his BROTHER, a son of a bitch. You got it all wrong buddy.


Oops...yeah, I know he says BROTHER, I just goofed up while typing it! Heh, sorry...


I think what his mother taught Avatar was that if you're a wizard everybody expects you to use magic...and if you don't use it you'll catch em by surprise.


I think it was said just to piss blackwolf off. It was the irony that he used technology to kill his brother.

Goddamit, I'd piss on a Spark Plug if I thought it would do any good! (Wargames, 1983)


Of course she didn't teach him that. He just said that to distract his brother so Blackwolf wouldn't defend himself.


[huge spoilers]

I agree. The mother didn't teach him anything related to his actions in this scene. He just said that to distract Blackwulf, to make him expect conjuring, when he was really just reaching for a revolver.

The more important question, to my mind, is what this ending says in terms of the film's overall message. We begin with stories of the importance of peace, nature and magic, which all seem to be rolled into one, as opposed to technology and militarism, which seem to be linked. But in order for the good guys to win out, the peace-loving elves have to become warmongers, Peace has to be killed off, and Avatar, who was so recently disgusted with the elves for stooping to Blackwulf's own methods, ultimately defeats his brother by simply shooting him with a gun he had been keeping at the ready.

Was this film chastising the hippie generation, or simply reminding them that the appeasement of Hitler was ultimately not enough and that violence and technology are sometimes necessary???


Bakshi says something about this in his commentary, 'll post it when I listen to it again.

as for that line about Blackwolf changing his last name, I thought it meant that if Avatar calls him a son of a bitch, and blackwolf renounced their mother, Avatar would no longer be insulting His own mother by calling him an SOB


as for that line about Blackwolf changing his last name, I thought it meant that if Avatar calls him a son of a bitch, and blackwolf renounced their mother, Avatar would no longer be insulting His own mother by calling him an SOB

That is exactly the way I've always interpreted the meaning behind that dialogue.


I thought it was a reference to magic in the "there's nothing up my sleeve" trick, when there really is. But I also like the idea that she taught him how to use the element of surprise, and the other one that mentioned maybe she wanted him to kill his brother, since he was evil and not suitable for running the world.

Indulge the deviance:
