Star Wars

Just started watching this, and Avatar (the obi wan kenobi- like character) tells the girl "I'm getting too old for this sort of thing" when he says he's not going on the mission. Now I thought oh Bakshi's ripping off lines from Star Wars because it's almost verbatim. Then I come here and see the release date was February 1977, 3 months BEFORE Star Wars came out! WTF?....

There's something wonderful about a storm.


It was originally going to be called "Wizard Wars", but George called the director and asked he dropped the Wars part so as not to confuse the public. Also, Mark Hammil (Skywalker) is a voice in Wizards.


I think it boils down to it not being a particularly original line.

"You liked Rashomon."
"That's not how I remember it."
