slightly missing the point I think. Those anime are pure horror and are advertised as such. never ever has anyone suggested that legend of the Overfiend was family entertainment!!
In contrast "My neighbour Totoro" is a pure feel-good kids film. No blood, death or anything remotely disturbing in sight.
Also Anime is more a medium than a genre. We in the West get hung up on the idea that just because its animated it has to be only for kids!
Back to the topic of "wizards" being family-fun. I've listened to the commentary and Bakshi continually refers to it as a family film, despite the disturbing imagery, scantily clad women, fairies and elves getting machine-gunned, blood spilling everywhere, swastikas and SS imagery.
So no, the PG rating the dvd gets is not appropriate.
More so for the violence than the nudity. Watching back at shows I've seen when I was small, a lot would now be considered too rude for young children, so don't worry about the nudity, the violence is a bit too strong.
Comparing "wizards" to Bakshi's other projects, I can understand why he would consider this more of a childrens film