The biggest flaw in these movies that makes no sense
Has anyone yet realized how Lucas envisioned and made these movies?
There are a few really annoying things that bother me a lot - the waste of possibilities being one. What they COULD have done with force, was never shown, only talked about. If destroying a planet with a force is INSIGNIFIGANT(!) compared to what you can do with the force, then why do the movies NEVER show anything 'grander' than that that's done with the force?
For example, generation of a planet would be a really cool thing to see.
This claim also destroys the need for doing ANYTHING else in ANY OTHER WAY, because holy cow, if you can destroy planets with the force, and yet call this INSIGNIFIGANT compared to the things you can do... why can't Yoda just explode the Death Star all by himself with a mere thought? Size matters not, hmm?
But what REALLY brings my urea reserves to a boiling point, are the movie-typical things.. they TOOK something that already existed, and MERELY gave them a polish. Then they added 'the force' as a gimmick that is used only a couple of times to generate an 'ooohh', and then go back to useless stuff.
One thing is tech that's WORSE than ours, because it's taken from some WW1 movies - except it's even worse than that, because at least bullets were fast in WW1.
So we get the 'dogfights' - BUT IN SPACE! We get the bomber plane gunner scene - BUT IN SPACE and with RED LIGHTS as bullets! All the tech is slow, clumsy and cumbersome. Why the heck would the empire use those idiotic 'big walking things' when they have SPACESHIP TECHNOLOGY WITH PLANET-EXPLODING DEATHSTARS AND ORBITAL BOMBING CAPABILITY (demonstrated with the asteroids at one point)?!
(Not to mention, why land their offending troops SO FAR from the base instead of just instantly either bombing the base from orbit or surrounding it with normal, FAST-MOVING troops with air support and proper snow tanks?)
Then there's the whole 'clichéic, old, medival knight-style sword fights BUT IN SPAC.. well, in FUTURE with GLOWING swords!'
There are enough problems with light sabers being able to cut through anything, but that they stop each other, like metal swords would.. never made sense to me. Why would light stop light?
Also, a sword fight with WEIGHTLESS BLADE that can cut through anything would _NOT_ look like 'traditional sword fight' - you would NEVER, ever need to hold a light saber (handle) with TWO hands! It'd be lightweight (no pun intended) to begin with, but since the blade has no weight, you can always hold it it one hand and do superfast movements, which we never saw.
It's like someone (ahem) wanted to take 'cool, oldskool knight swordfights' and 'cool WW1 dogfights and gunner scenes' and just made them seem futuristic.
All we get in this movies are VERY OLD TECH and VERY OLD MOVIE SCENES that are 'future-polished', except they're even worse, because bullets are SLOW now for some reason. Light is apparently SLOWER than actual bullets..
Then there's the PRINCESS - why a princess, when the whole 'kingdom' system is just the most blatant, inequal way to oppress the people and generate a peasant slave class? Why should we respect princesses or even consider them anything NORMAL when you consider the system they come from and support? They don't have blue blood, they're just megalomanic people unfairly come to power through sneaky ways and unnecessarily brutal methods so they can satisfy their inhuman, demonic greed and lust for power, gold, money and oppression of regular people.
You can't be a princess without being a brutal oppressor, but we're supposed to just think of them as something to call every single 'cute girl' - oh, she's such a princess! How banal and ignorant.
In any case, is Leia even a princess after her planet exploded? How does this hierarchy work, and since it doesn't even require the consent of the governed, because it's oppressive oligarchy of some sort, why doesn't anyone rebel against THIS?! How can a princess be a rebel anyway, wouldn't that just endanger her power?
Then there's the WIZARD.. but in SPACE!
See the pattern here? They take everything from old folklore, history, medieval stories, crappy WW1 movies and serials, and make it into a SPACE VERSION of all of this. It even follows the most predictable pattern with no twists.. the valiant knights with their weirdo grumpy creature friend rescue the princess from the wizard's lair and have a sword fight with the evil black knight, and have to defeat a fire-breathing dragon (the planet-destroying death star) to do it.
What is the emperor other than a space wizard, really? Shooting lightning from his fingers and wearing the ridiculous hoody garment no one else ever wears (sans Obi-Wan, whose name-changing capabilities lave a lot to be desired - what's the point of changing your first name, but leaving your last name intact? FOREHEADSLAP!)
I would LOVE to see a proper, futuristic space saga, but THIS one is just old stuff rehashed in the most corny way.