MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > was tatooine a safe planet for the death...

was tatooine a safe planet for the death sentence on 12 systems guys to visit?

would they have had prices on their heads or were they just warned never to return to those systems or else they will be executed? you'd think if they had prices on their heads greedo or boba fett would have nabbed them since they were in the vicinity at the time.


One afternoon at the Cantina:

Mr. Wanted pulls out a blaster and fires a shot. Another guy pulls out a lightsaber and lobs off the guys arm.

Moments later, a human shots a creature connected to a known gangster, while sitting at a table. He then casually walks out, giving the bartender some money for the mess.

During both incidents, the other patrons briefly looked up from their own conversations to see what was happening, then went back to their conversations without giving a second thought.

The Cantina, and probably all of Mos Esley, was probably the perfect place for a wanted man to hide. Not even Boba Fett would have been crazy enough to claim a bounty in there. Greedo was stupid enough to, and it went as one would expect it too.


If we assume the death sentence was in some way sanctioned -or at least allowed- by Coruscant, we can infer it's a legal ruling comparable to the death sentence in America, and not the same as being targeted by the Mob or Hutts. This would mean it only stands in places which are represented by the Galactic Council, or whatever remained of it under Palpikins. But as Tatooine was in the Outer Rim and largely lawless, he'd be able to fly under the radar there.


You believe that story about all the death penalties?

I don't , I think he was just trying to act tough.


Probably. It came across as an anything goes place.
