MovieChat Forums > Maladolescenza (1977) Discussion > Why would someone WANT to watch this mov...

Why would someone WANT to watch this movie

I havent seen this movie

But the people who said they liked it admit that the storyline is terrible

SO ruling out pedophiles and people who just want to feel special because they have seen a banned movie....who would want to watch this movie and why?

"I really should stop getting my qoutes from fight club"
-Jack's Lack of Imagination





good point. there are far better movies out there with better bg music and story line that explores adolescent issues. So yeah. this is a good point.


Good point. But there are also far worse movies out there, and people still watch them. Before you watch something you can't know if you'll like it or not, is it good (according to your attitudes and taste) or not. And after that everyone can share with others his impressions, feelings...

I don't watch action movies, I hate violence, but I watched "Speed" - just to see what makes it so famous - and found it rather amusing, and I watched "Straw Dogs" - banned in UK - and found how great a movie it is.

My daughter works in DVD library and recently asked me about "Love Story". Knowing her taste I told her she wouldn't like it, but suggested her to watch it anyway, beacause of its importance in 70's and many referrences she would never understand if she never watches it.

Someone might ask why would anyone want to watch GesĂș di Nazareth, the other why would anyone want to watch The Last Temptation of Christ. It all depends on the point of view of the person asking. Movies are made to be watched, songs are made to be listened, books are made to be read... And which one will it be? So many factors influence on the choice, making original question irrelevant.


I don't know if the storyline is terrible. It's actually pretty good, in terms of exploring how adlescent love is and how some can be cruel and how two people were extremely cruel to the third person (in that movie) but yet, that person, the first girl, held on and accepted it, out of love for the boy. Even at the end, she professes her unending love for him, in such terrible circumstances and is ready to leave and be with him, from then on.

It's quite jolting at points and the nude and sex scenes provide that jolt to the senses, not because of the nudity, but because of what it represents to the people in the story. It would not have the jolting impact, if it were not for those scenes. You are brought into it, in a sense, in the same manner as the original girl is, and then you are jolted, just as much as she is jolted (extremely so), when you see some of the other nude and sex scenes. It does show how "not so innocent" kids are and how cruel they can be, and show how much you may have forgotten from when you were a kid (and think that they are so innocent).

I would say it's a good storyline and powerful.




The storyline is terrible? who said that? the story is fascinating; it's the most effective film ever made about bullying among children. it's also like a classic greek tragedy. The girl is so sadistically cruel, and so aware of her own age 11! it's disturbing and one has to wonder how she knows so much about mind games and seduction at such an early age. The scenery is gorgeous, the actors are all very good, and it has the morbid suspense of a very effective horror film. This is a very powerful and surreal movie, once you get around the nudity and sex. It would still be powerful without those images, but hey; it was the 70's.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


I am curious to see it partially because its description reminds me of Georges Bataille's Story of the Eye, which I enjoyed. I am also simply curious. It sounds repulsive. I wonder how they portray the depravity of the children. I wonder if I can sit through it. I wonder if it will be anything like mythological stories or fairy tales (which are usually very dark). I guess I'm mostly just curious.
