This movie is now public domain and you can watch it on google video.
As Karen's body is being killed/dragged, you can clearly see that the killer is wearing white patent leather children's shoes and white tights. Mrs. Treboni is definitely not. It is the clothing that Alice is wearing though.
I'm still watching it for the first time, so I can't comment on the other killings, but Karen was definitely without question killed by Alice.
Well if you watch further, you find out that Mrs Tredoni wears shoes like that in the other killings, as well as a white dress that could be meant to be a commniun dress.
Renee My very randomness astounds people! I hate Reality shows, thats not reality!
That's a good analogy, to think that Alice hated her sister so much (was so jealous of her) that she would kill her, but do you still think that now that you finished watching it, or do you think Ms. Tredoni (who also wore the same clothes/tights/shoes) was the sole killer? It makes sense to have a twist like that, and to have Ms. Tredoni get framed for all of them, when she may have only wanted to kill the father & the that I think about it, and you recall seeing Alice at the very end, smiling, it's as if she knows she got away with it then...? Good eye, Sapphire!
"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths.."
Alice definately had something do do with one thing is my theory. I really believe alice attacked her aunt... and it would be interesting if she did kill her sister. hmmm... have to rethink about the events of the movie. lol
A bear and a half naked man in a bedroom... scary...
Alice had a wierd collection of things in her cupboard under the stairs. I always viewed her collection of the knife at the end to be like a clepto thing, and one more thing to add to her collection.
My interpretation at first was like that Alice might want to continue murders but later i thought about it all and look - she was not killing, she probably also didnt kill anyone maybe attacked Annie but not murdered. Finally I had other idea - she might want to revenge on woman, cause she killed her father, and sister you know, maybe ever she was jealous of her. Jealousy doesnt mean u want to kill that person but can put a bad light on you and u will be first suspected one if somethign happened - i think that director specially made it to make the watcher confused and think about Alice as potential murderer. -------------- Protecting from getting hands dirty someone who likes challenges, will take his happiness away
My theory is that Alice murdered Karen at the church, and then that set off Mrs. Treboni (it reminded the woman all too well of her daughter's murder in the past)
"You don't know what death is"-Sam Loomis (Halloween 2)
The killer snatches Karen's cross after murdering her. Everyone talks about the missing cross in the aftermath of the murder, and about the possibility that Alice may have it.
It is then revealed that Mrs. Tredoni is wearing the cross when she is unmasked as the killer. That is why Alice is released from the psychiatric home.... her father was murdered and her sister's stolen necklace was found on him, all the while she was locked up.
Alice killed Karen Alice stabbed Aunt Everyone else was done by Mrs Tredoni.
Alice killed noone. Alice is a red herring. Her parents knew she was a disturbed child, but the film also promotes parental love; in more than one scene the parents contradict everyone around them (who represent us, the audience), and point that they know their daughter, and that murder is not something she could ever be blamed for. And they are shown to be very loving parents. The mother, even though scornful towards Alice during her outbreaks, shows genuine love towards her in the key situations. The father seems very loving as well. Can you imagine, for the parents with a difficult child like Alice, how much they would have went through in 12 years? If anyone, they're the ones that know her. The film assrets it, and I believe the film, because it asserts it well.
Alice didn't kill her sister Karen. First, the person who burned Karen - chose to use one significant object: a candle. Didn't light the girl's clothes simply with a match or a lighter, but with a sacramental, liturgical accessory, candle. And, the person lit that candle very matter-of-factly, as if having done it a million times before. It isn't a final proof, I know. But why would Alice bother with candles? She didn't hold church too close to her heart or have plenty of respect for any authority. Alice was a loner, and kind of a social outcast who observed the world from a distance. Third, would she be that unwise to murder her sister right at the moment when all the townspeople are noticing she's being late for the communion? And why choose the communion at all? If she wanted her sister dead, she could have chosen any single day to kill her. It'd be just a little too much of a coincidence that Alice kills Karen right at the same moment in Karen't life as that at which Mrs. Tredoni's daughter was "taken by God". Fourth, the actual actor in the yellow raincoat in front of the camera was not Paula E. Sheppard; it was someone bigger than her. Fifth, would Alice really be so much physically stronger than Karen to choke her to death so easily and quietly? None of these five things are final proofs, but they shouldn't be disregarded.
Alice didn't stab her Aunt Annie. The polygraph scene shows that Alice saw the stabbing, but didn't commit it. All other questions asked by the polygrapher showed Alice wasn't lying during the test.
Anyway, what would be the moral of the story with two killers, of which Alice would be one? What would such a film teach us about the world and about ourselves? On the other hand, the Mrs. Tredoni-the-sole-killer version does teach us something: that we are quick to put blame on those whom we don't keep in high regard. In this particular case, on Alice. And that's the point this film worked hard on getting accross. The part where Dom starts to blame Angela, even though he'd already felt the sting of false blame based on weak suspicion, and gets reproached for it - is not put in the script just to fill up time. Sure, you could argue that this is a thriller and a horror, and not some kind of drama with a point to make. Yeah, but that's treating the screenwriters as shallow, narrow-minded simpletons. Based on the entire film, I don't have an impression that they are that.
All that being said, this part of your post may be a good interpretation:
Alice took the knife at the end she wanted to carry on where she left off
I, however, think the last scene is yet another chance for the filmmakers to test the viewers on the point I talked about above. Insted of to start killing people, Alice very well may have taken Mrs. Tredoni's bloddy knife to do what one poster already wrote: to add to the nasty item collection that she keeps. Alice is simply drawn to such items because she loves that they are - improper. But, just because someone loves creepy dolls, masks, and cockroaches, it doesn't mean he or she is also murderous.
Saying that Alice is a killer is a witch-hunt twice removed.
Bc that's when god (her words) took her daughter and she thought that the mother was impure ( bc she was pregnant already when she got married, and then she got divorced, both looked upon very badly in and out of the church back then) and it wasnt fair she got to have her beloved daughters so she killed Karen, she chose Karen bc she was the sweet innocent lovely girl and the priest gave her the cross and mrs. T was VERY jealous that he gave Karen that necklace. You guys are very confused maybe you should rewatch it bc you guys missed some very important scenes.
Yes mrs Tredoni even admits it, idk why people are so confused, alice did NOT kill her sister, it was made to imply it as to trick everyone, but she did NOT, when mrs T kills Karen she snatches the cross, then when she kills the dad he snatches the cross and refuses to let go of it bc he wanted them to know the person (mrs t) who killed him is same murderer of Karen! Jeez you guys would be awful detectives! I sure wouldn't want you on my case if anything happened. Your like those tunnel visioned cops from the old school who refuse to release innocent people even tho there's clear evidence it isn't them!
Why is "who killed Karen?" even being debated when mrs.Tredoni clearly says in the film that she killed Karen because the children have to pay for the sins of the father (in this case their pre-marrital sex), and that she thought it was her responsibility to exact this twisted form of justice because her own child died on her first communion. That, and also because Karen was given the valuable crucifix, which Tredoni wanted. I know it's nice to think that there is another twist at the end where the red herring (Alice) is actually the killer all along, but I'm afraid that's just not possible in this film guys. Sorry.
I agree, the whole point of the movie is to confuse the viewer into thinking that the killer is Alice,therefore,to mislead us. The actress playing Alice did a good job of that, she came across as very creepy.
Look, for the last time, Alice did not kill her. The old woman killed her. She even mentioned her daughter being killed on the day of her communion. For the love of God, stop reading into it too much when they already show you who the killer is
i'm sure in all these replies someone has already pointed it out, but alice's yellow coat is not stock. she has attached a toy police badge to it for flair. karen's killer's coat does not have that badge. this is maintained throughout the film.
Knowing the Spages family well, especially Alice and her feelings towards Karen, the real killer no doubt thought it was a good idea to dress like her in order to shift the blame. It almost worked too. Also, the coats were all from St Michael's Rectory so there were no doubt loads of folks wearing them in the area (i.e. heaps more possible suspects).