MovieChat Forums > Communion (1976) Discussion > Cat drinking fat guys blood

Cat drinking fat guys blood

Did anyone else notice that when the fat guy has just been killed, and the detective runs to his aid, there is a brief shot of one of the cats drinking from a small pool of his blood! I thought that was just so hilarious and twisted.


Yeah, I noticed that too. Just one of an entire boxload of quirky images that makes this movie stand out from all the others. The attention to detail, for a horror movie, is admirably executed.

Peter Benassi


and there was a fish in the bowl. yeah lol
"The storm is coming"
Donnie Darko


I agree, Pete; Alice Sweet Alice always had some sort of 'mystery' about it; it was a spooky, dark film from the first time I saw it....and when I bought a new copy off ebay, I was pleasantly suprised all over again! There are a lot of images that stand out from this film and still 'haunt' my subconcious, so evidently, it did it's intended job on the audience, at least for me. So, it's a lot of 'Catholic imagery', but the characters are pretty strong as well - it's just dark, rainy & creepy - a film that defined '70's horror for me.

"The Film which you are about to see is an
account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths."


I've really got to see this movie again..


This movie is a forgotten masterpiece, it had more nuances than most major studio releases!


Yea this is definatly the kind of horror film that relies on subtle images.. which just adds to the creepyness factor..

definatly need to watch this multiple times to notice all the small little things...


How about the big ole gross PEE STAIN on the fat guy's pants? Beats the cat's blood drinking, paws down.


a brief shot of one of the cats drinking from a small pool of his blood!


"just panties, what else do I need?"

Poseidon Adventure


@ Yinky

Yeah the stain was on the front and the back piss or faeces one or the other if not both


That whole scene was twisted (think it was made that way, lol). The record player that was started when he stumbled back into his apartment was playing "Three little fishies", can be heard here:

some of the twisted lyrics - "Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu, and they swam and they swam all over the dam."

The only reason I remember after seeing that seen again, I could recall was from a Three's Company episode where Jack and Janet seen Terry brought home a date, that they thought was a psyhcotic patient, and he muttered those lyrics, lol.


"You're turning violet, Violet!" - Willy Wonka


Yes, it was hilarious and twisted, and even though I'm a cat lover I still appreciated it. Great little detail.


It was indeed a great little touch and it actually creeped me out big time, when I first seen it as a small kid.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"


Oh gosh, me too!

They used to play it all the time in Detroit in the afternoons when I was a kid (it might have been in the public domain)

Anyways the three little fishes part really creeped me out as a child and when I just saw it through netflix, I remember how I was really spooked by that scene.

Also, the fat guy was HILARIOUS! He reminds me so much of Divine!


Oh yeah.

When I was a child they should show this all the time in Detroit, I think it must have been in the public domain or something.

Anyways, that three little fishies death scene got to me so much that I always remembered it from the movie. Just watched the movie tonight for the first time since I saw it as a kid and that scene was just directly from my memory.

Oh, and that fat guy was HILARIOUS! He reminds me so much of Divine.


i just figured no one on set noticed the cat lapping up the raspberry jam or whatever it was.
