Any one else feel sorry for Alice?
Now that I have finally watched this film I must read the book.I wonder if it delves a bit into the why Alice is the way she is.Hiding/taking favorite toys is not unusual in the midst of sibling rivalry.When they were in the warehouse and Alice shuts the door for half a minute to terrorize her seemingly favored by everyone little sister is not unusual.In my opinion Karen was the real brat.All the adults around perpetuated the situation with gifts (I mean the priest dead mothers cross! It clearly made a lot of people jealous).Alice ran off to try her sisters veil on bc let's face it, Karen wasn't going to share and Catherine wasn't going to instill that. We saw that with her reaction.Clearly Alice felt out numbered and invalidated. Unable to report sexual abuse by the landlord or the starting of her period to her own mother clearly has to point to some Freudian excuse;as well as, the Catholicism undertones. This movie concept is indeed multi-layered. I am reminded that everyone of us shape the life of the person next to us.