Reality Check: Paula McFadden Is TROUBLE
I'm going to get flamed for this. What's more, I own this film and have always enjoyed it, but it finally dawned on me: Does Elliot Garfield know what he is getting into by marrying Paula?
I mean, let's think about it. Here is a single mother who moved in with a married man, knowing (as he says in the Dear Paula letter) that "this was never going to be permanent," and then quit her job. Her ex split -- not very graciously, I'll admit, but the fact is, he split. He may have had good reasons. And then later, in one of the movie's worst lines, Paula tells Elliot that she's "going to be spending YOUR money" decorating the apartment.
GG has got to be the ultimate anti- or non-feminist film of the 70s (and I don't usually care about things like that). Paula McFadden comes off as a housewife-wannabe with no real sense of self-reliance. I mean, OK, so she's out of shape to keep dancing like she used to; why not try TEACHING dancing? Or reinventing herself in another profession? What's so noble about living from one male meal ticket to another?
"Look what you did to my shirt."