MovieChat Forums > The Goodbye Girl (1977) Discussion > What part of Manhattan was their apartme...

What part of Manhattan was their apartment in?

I missed the first 15 minutes of this film, and I was trying to figure out by the outdoors scenes which section of Manhattan they lived in. It mostly looked like the upper west side, but I didn't see any real defining landmarks that could confirm it for me. Of course it was filmed 30 years ago so things have changed. Does anybody know? Thanks.


In the movie Dreyfuss says "in a walk-up on Amsterdam Avenue" so that would mean the upper west side.


Thanks for your answer. Some of the outside scenes did look sort of from the Broadway/Amsterdam/Coumbus Avenue areas.


I'm almost certain it's at the end of W 84th St, off Amsterdam. The school scenes would have been filmed at the Anderson school at the other end of the street.


I think Marsha Mason's character mentions something about 78th Street; and I know Dreyfus talks about being soaked on Amsterdam Avenue.

I also love to watch movies or TV shows made in New York and see if I can pick out landmarks that I know to figure out where they are. Obviously, it is waaay harder to do when the movie is 30 years old.

I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


It's definitely Amersterdam and upper 70's. I live up here, and although the movie is over 30 yrs old, the neighborhood is basically the same.


I think this is the building right on Corner of 78th and Amsterdam.

Tried to post a google map link but it didn't work.

Put 194 West 78 st New York NY into Google Maps and you should see the building.


When I saw GG again a few years ago, I SWORE that it was on the corner of Amsterdam and 81st St., near a place where a friend lived. But another poster was right- many of those corners on Amsterdam Ave. look alike. So, once again, I only know people who are close to fame, without being famous themselves. Like my in-laws, who live on the Jersey shore, on D Street in Belmar, one block away from E Street (yeah, THAT E street).


Thanks, swinginglondon-2, for posting the address of the apartment building. I loved seeing it on Google Maps. It looks almost exactly the same, fire escape and all. I love this movie!!


That is exactly the building, and it doesn't look that much different than it did 37 years ago. Thanks for sharing, Shilpot7.

I Love....ME!!!!


Put 194 West 78 st New York NY into Google Maps and you should see the building.

Thanks much Shilpot7. The way trash is collected seems to be the biggest change between 1977 and 2015. No little old ladies casually sifting through the garbage with those metal cages.,-73.9785673,3a,75y,180h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0y28b_syQQPT51m-YTxBPw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


During the opening credits, they rode a bus up Broadway to 82nd Street. Next, they walked east on 77th past the PS 87 Kindergarten playground. (The mural is no longer there.) The apartment building is on the SW corner of Amsterdam and W 78th Street. Front door looks exactly the same today. The coffee shop next to the phone booth is now called Shining Star. The auto parts store is now an antiques shop. The mugging took place on Columbus Avenue and 75th Street, the liquor store was real but has since closed. All the packages were dropped on W 78th Street, car confrontation was at the corner of Columbus near the back of the American Museum of Natural History. Discussion of the play with the driector took place in SoHo. The girl was picked up at her school, probably PS 9, (Anderson school has now moved) but the horse and carriage ride was heading up Broadway from 67th to 69th Street. Geographic logic does not apply in movies.
