MovieChat Forums > The Goodbye Girl (1977) Discussion > Dated plot point? (spoiler)

Dated plot point? (spoiler)

A big part of the plot in this film revolves around Elliot's reluctance to play Richard III in a "flamboyant" manner, as recommended by his director. Elliott believes all along that the performance will result in disaster, and it does.

I believe that if Elliott played Richard III in this "fabulous" manner today, every publication in town would call his performance "groundbreaking," "edgy," and inevitably, "courageous." NPR would do daily upbeat profiles on the show and its star. Elliott would eventually win a Tony and be protected against bad reviews for the rest of his life. After all, even the worst actors seem to get a free pass from critics if they have played a homosexual at some point in their career. (*cough* Keanu Reaves.)

So my question is, would Elliott still get the same negative reaction now that he did in 1977?


He absolutely would still get a negative reaction. It looks like even more of a minstrel act today than it did in 1977.


He is pretty over-the-top in rehearsal, but I think in performance he is actually relatively subdued. It's like he wants to please his director but still give a halfway decent performance at the same time. If the story took place today, the ones whose careers would be ruined would be the critics who compared him to an interior decorator or "the Wicked Witch of the East (sic)."


I thought the "How about a blood test" line really dated it. Blood tests aren't required to get married anymore! I remember watching this with my mom and looking at her like, "Are they getting tested for HIV?"


Blood tests aren't required to get married anymore!

According to what I can find, blood tests are still required in the District of Columbia and Mississippi. Females are required to get a blood test in Montana. In new York if the applicant is African or Hispanic they are required to be tested for sickle cell anemia.

So, unless this information is also dated, you are mostly right but not entirely.
