This winning best picture over Star Wars
is a crime. Award shows meant nothing after that sham. Complete lunacy.
shareis a crime. Award shows meant nothing after that sham. Complete lunacy.
shareSeriously, it was 39 years ago, time to move on.
Besides which, Annie Hall is a wonderful, entertaining, poignant and influential movie that remains thoroughly deserving of its best picture win.
These are the only words I have, I'm stuck with them, stuck in themshare
I totally understand the frustration, since STAR WARS has gone on to be so influential with more films in there series coming out all the time, but to me ANNIE HALL is just as influential. Every romantic comedy made since owes at least a little something to ANNIE HALL.
It's my favorite movie, so I'm biased, but hey.
I recently re-watched it again and showed it to a friend who'd never seen it. The link above is our full review of ANNIE HALL if you're curious about what we thought.
Most viewers do not appreciate the fact that, Annie Hall was an original at the time. It kicked off a whole new line of thinking in romantic film making that still is used (overused, if I must be precise) even today. Star Wars, wasn't a great film in a technical sense or in a writing sense; it was rather a cultural phenomenon. Do not think it deserved best picture (personal opinion)
shareOh I've moved on, I don't watch award shows anymore. Complete waste of time. They can never make up for that mistake. Annie Hall didn't change the world but Star Wars did.
shareBut most of the changes that Star Wars was (in part) responsible for were not for the better. If you look at the cinematic mainstream today, dominated by big budget, high-concept cartoons, you can pin a lot of that on Star Wars and its ilk.
These are the only words I have, I'm stuck with them, stuck in themshare
Very true ... the predominance of eye candy because it is hard to think up and write a real story that have some kind of point and meaning, and mostly they highlight some liberal value so deluge the audience with violence and special effects, magic and fake religion and they will not think and not be a threat to the status quo. Oh, and complain about how liberal Hollywood is on top of it to make it sound sincere.
Annie Hall represented the best of Hollywood films of the 1970s, when clever, thoughtful, creative films for grown-ups were being made. Star Wars
ushered in the age of comic book junk food for arrested adolescents, with its emphasis on live-action cartoon characters and models for action figures and toys.
Star Wars and its never-ending tiresome sequels are to blame for today's
fixation on comic book superheroes and remake after remake of Batman/Spiderman/Hulk/Captain America movies for the adult Peter Pan crowd.
I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!
Well, Star Wars was hardly the first movie to cater to adolescent tastes - it simply is the most popular.
Hindsight is 20/20...
It was about 1983 I got to see parts of Annie Hall, Star Wars, The Turning Point and The Goodbye Girl. Annie Hall...I still didn't get. Star Wars was 'meh', The Goodbye Girl was a waste of celluloid to me and The Turning Point I turned off in 15 minutes.
When The Empire Strikes Back came on cable (The Z Channel), I watched it and loved it, and then went back to Star Wars and...loved it. Years later, The Turning Point became one of my favorite films. Annie Hall I saw on a Woody Allen retrospective (Bananas, Everything You Wanted to know about Sex, Annie Hall) and couldn't stop laughing. Bottom line..the older I got, the more I appreciated these films.
Except The Goodbye Girl. Still dislike it. That's the one that NEVER should have been nominated for Best Picture that year.
If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.share
You have to understand- back then Hollywood and pretty much the entire USA was run by middle aged (and older) white men with comb-overs; not hipster Comic Con fan-boys.
I am so terrified of THE FUTURE , my God.........
"In every dimension , there's another YOU!"
The only "crime" resulting from Annie Hall deservedly beating Star Wars for Best Picture is that toystores weren't deluged with Annie Hall, Alvy Singer, and Tony Lacey action figures. My childhood would have been infinitely better. Instead, my generation had those moronic "Power Droid" and "Snaggletooth" crap action figures.
shareAnnie is still better. Way better.
shareLol thanks for the laugh, it's garbage in comparison. You don't give best picture to a romantic comedy over a movie that changed the world.
share> it's garbage in comparison
Check yourself dipthis ... there is no need to get nasty over such a stupid subject.
You give best picture to whatever film was judged of high artistic quality overall, which isn't always the most popular picture. A lot of current hit music outsells both Mozart & Miles Davis. That's down to popularity, not quality. The two don[t always coincide, although of course they can.
I thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars when it came out & still find it an exciting, thrilling, fun ride that happily summons up the 12-year old inside me. But Annie Hall just gets better & better as I grow older; it has humanity & absurdity & depth that speaks to adults.
I admit you are 12 years old and don't understand that much neither of comedy nor of romance...
shareDid Annie Hall Deserve To Beat Star Wars For Best Picture?
I know I loved Star Wars and I loved Annie Hall, and since I first
saw them I have seen them both several times, but today, I would
much rather see Annie Hall than Star Wars. Star Wars is simple,
dated and kind of silly where Annie Hall is a classic human comedy.
There is a pattern to movies like Star Wars, they are great and
sensational when they come out and everyone who likes that
kind of movie talks about them and says they are the greatest
thing, but they mostly fade because there is just not much to them.
In the case of Star Wars they make a big boom, explosion.
I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair .
No surprise, industry awards are marketing events.