MovieChat Forums > Lou Grant (1977) Discussion > Billie's OTHER husband?

Billie's OTHER husband?

Season five begins wtih Billie marrying her baseball-playing boyfriend, who she met in season four.

He is barely mentioned after that. Then in the episode FIREWORKS, we suddenly find out that Billie was married once before?

Does anyone remember any references to that earlier in the series? Maybe in the episode where she turns down a relationship with Donovan? I don't remember her saying anything about a previous spouse, but he makes a miracle appearance in this episode. Another example of season five going a little berserk.


I just rediscovered Lou Grant on Hulu a couple weeks ago. When it first aired Rossi was too old for me. Actually, I see Robert Walden was born the same year as my mom. Of course, that now means I've gotten to be a little too old for Rossi (ROTFL). But I digress.

After picking and choosing a few episodes on a lark, I just got too hooked {sheepish grin}. I've started watching episodes from the beginning and I've made it through a fair chunk of season 2. Not too many days ago (so I'm guessing I was in S2) I watched an episode about black market babies. It started as Billie's story but she needed someone to pose as her husband and when Donovan got sick, the job fell to Rossi. The duo wound up sharing a water bed in a seedy motel. Rossi fell asleep then woke up and and asked Billie about her inability to sleep. Without thinking, Billie noted that Rossi snores. Her ex-husband used to do that. Then her eyes get maybe a little more awake looking and I got the feeling she might have been holding her breath hoping Rossi would be too groggy for her words to really register. No such luck though. Rossi probed more as is his way {grin}. Billie further admited that she got married in college... too young. She then asked Rossi to keep the info just between them.

If you're interested, Rossi responded by opening up a little, himself. He fell in love once with a woman who had kids. But when the prospect of marriage loomed on the horizon he backed away... something he described with a trace of sadness. Then he made the same request of Billie that she made of him... his confession should be kept just between them. His request fell on deaf ears though, almost literally. Billie had fallen asleep.
