Jesus doesn't blink
Not sure about this decision, but it must have been tough for the actor.
shareUndoubtedly Robert Powell's finest hour, but have you seen him in anything else? He's done everything from comedy ("The Detectives") to continuing drama ("Holby City") in the UK in more recent times, all of them using his native, lilting Mancunian accent, not the more poshly-spoken accent he used in JON! But, just sometimes, you hear 'Jesus' come through at the most inappropriate moments, lol!
"The end is where we start from." (Captain Jack, "Torchwood")
Read the Trivia section where the director made Powell and the actor playing young Jesus to not blink so as to give a supernatural aura. It seems to work.
I saw an interview with Michael Caine (think ... may have been Russell Crowe) where he said that when the camera is on you, try not to blink. It makes you look stupid.
Acting class 101, I guess...
There's no virtue in believing - Edwin Clayhanger (Arnold Bennett)
When I saw this on The History Channel some time back, there was an intermission. A few guys (I can't remember their names, but one was W. Barnes Tatum, who wrote, Jesus of the Movies: the first 100 years)were sitting around talking about the movie. They said Jesus didn't blink because the director/whoever wanted people to think he was looking into your soul, which gave them the strangest feeling. It was also the reason for the "laser-blue" eyes.
Another thing that was strange about the show was, they said that when Robert Powell, dressed as Jesus, walked onto the set, all swearing stopped. They said that he was quite impressed by that because they thought he was really Jesus!
According to the Shroud of Turin, Jesus was nearly 6 feet tall (about 5 foot 10)and very thin. Robert looked kind of like that. I wonder if he had to go on a special diet to be that thin.
You know what though? When Robert Powell playing Jesus being taken down from the cross, as they place him down on the ground, his eyes flicker a little bit.
Totus Tuus O Maria!!! Totus Tuus O Jesu!!!!
Watch the crucifixion scene again. He blinks in that, but that may be the only scene where he does.