Avalanche Express

Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys meet in Budapest to take a train journey together. Nancy and Frank meet a girl being chased by thugs - although she has no idea why they are after her - and Joe is puzzled as to why someone would steal a photo of him with his dad.

Most of the episode has a great setting (the train journey) and there's a cool ski-chase at the end, but the whole thing never really gels. There's a very large guest cast (which often happens on this show) but some are a bit wooden, some have dodgy haircuts and some have dodgy accents!

There's an attempt made to re-kindle the Frank/Nancy romance, but Janet Louise Johnson doesn't have the right chemistry with Parker Stevenson. A reference back to something that happened between them when Pamela Sue Martin was playing the role only serves to remind the audience that Johnson is playing a very different type of Nancy Drew. Hers is a less feisty Nancy, more prone to being the damsel-in-distress, and it's hard to imagine her flinging Frank over her shoulder the way Nancy mk1 did.



I think this was the worst episode of the set. I got utterly confused with the plot. I did however doze off halfway through so maybe it needs a second viewing... haha. By the way I've just started watching season 2 all over again on the dvd sets. It's proving great night-time viewing!!!


I enjoyed the episode for the most part. But the ski scene was silly, whenever they did a close up of the actors skiing it looked like the actors either didn't know the camera was on or were bored. Shaun Cassidy looked like he was standing in line at the DMV, I thought he was going to fall asleep a few times....You're skiing down a mountain trying to help someone, at least have some kind of reaction on your face.

No pulse, no heartbeat. If condition does not change, this man is dead.


It wasgoofy! Sleep skiing.
