Avalanche Express
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys meet in Budapest to take a train journey together. Nancy and Frank meet a girl being chased by thugs - although she has no idea why they are after her - and Joe is puzzled as to why someone would steal a photo of him with his dad.
Most of the episode has a great setting (the train journey) and there's a cool ski-chase at the end, but the whole thing never really gels. There's a very large guest cast (which often happens on this show) but some are a bit wooden, some have dodgy haircuts and some have dodgy accents!
There's an attempt made to re-kindle the Frank/Nancy romance, but Janet Louise Johnson doesn't have the right chemistry with Parker Stevenson. A reference back to something that happened between them when Pamela Sue Martin was playing the role only serves to remind the audience that Johnson is playing a very different type of Nancy Drew. Hers is a less feisty Nancy, more prone to being the damsel-in-distress, and it's hard to imagine her flinging Frank over her shoulder the way Nancy mk1 did.