Did Joe sing in Season Three?

Yes I already pre-ordered season three on amazon but was wondering, did Joe Hardy sing his bubblegum hits while working for the Justice Department in Season three? These hits would have included "You're Using Me", "It's Like Heaven" & "Break For The Streets". Anyone know?


I don't remember him singing in any of the episodes I've seen.


I'm almost done watching season 3 and Joe has not sung in any of the episodes.


Yup. Not one note. It would have been hugely funny (and could have redeemed some clunky episodes too) if Joe Hardy sang a song every few episodes. Oh well.


And that's odd because in the opening credits there's a scene of Shaun Cassidy singing into a microphone in his special bubblecum pop way that only he could. I didn;t remember him singing either, but thought I may have just missed an episode along the way.

Botany Bay? Bought on Ebay?!! Oh NO!!!
