This show has quite a few strange things on it, when you think about it.
I'm talking about the Hardy Boys here, and let me preface what I'm going to say by saying, I loved the show when it originally was on, and I still enjoy it very much today.
But, for want of a better word, the show had quite a few strange inconsistencies. Right now, I'll mainly talk about the major flaw in "The Creatures Who Came on Sunday".
And, my question is this - if Peter was part of a secret witness protection program, then what was he doing in town? Sharon told the boys that she met him at the same restaurant that she met the boys in. As part of the witness protection program, he would never have been allowed to go into town. At least, not until he got his identity changed.
They have quite a few flaws in their stories. Like in the Disappearing Floor, Joe asks Marsha who the man is in this picture (when they go to Dr. Craddock's house). Marsha says it's her Grandpa, Professor Desmond, and Joe responds that they saw him out at the old house. You'd think Marsha would get excited and say something, since he'd been missing for four months. But, she doesn't respond at all.
The Disappearing Floor had several flaws and inconsistencies like this in the script or story. One other that comes immediately to mind was when the Boys were trying to locate how the old man had gotten into the old house so fast, and found a door in the ground. The door didn't look like it was being used, because it was covered with old leaves, etc. If Dr. Desmond had used it the night before, it wouldn't have had much on it.
It's like they rushed to finish filming these episodes, and didn't pay close attention to details.
Again, I still love show, despite the flaws!