on tv now?
I have looked at the retro channels but cant find it listed.
Anyone know if it is being broadcast anywhere besides YouTube?
I have looked at the retro channels but cant find it listed.
Anyone know if it is being broadcast anywhere besides YouTube?
Last time I saw it on TV was on RTV (Retro TV) back in 2010, but they would only show the first two seasons and would skip the final season.
Back then the first two seasons were already on DVD, but season 3 had not been released on DVD yet.
Now all three seasons are on DVD.
Season Three is all Hardy Boys because the Nancy Drew character was dropped completely after season 2. She was little more than a guest star in the Hardy Boys episodes even in season 2, they didn't rotate episodes each week for Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew like they did in season 1. That was why Pamela Sue Martin quit the show and was replaced by Janet Julian before season 2 even finished.
Since the show was produced and owned by Universal Television, if it was ever aired again on TV Universal HD channel would be the most obvious place it would air. They air other Universal owned TV series and movies (and some sports). Most of them from the 90s and 2000s, but they do air the original Fantasy Island from the 70s-80s.
I don't know what they have to say. It makes no difference anyway. Whatever it is, I'm against it.
Selected episodes were on Netflix. Not sure if they still are, it's been awhile since I watched them.
Context is important