Plot holes galore. KZ1000 superbikes being outrun by a small dirt bike? If you watch that scene, you see another bike catch up to the cops- what were they doing, like 25 MPH?
The kid sets up a ride with a trucker buddy, who not only gives him a ride (he did ask about the kid's parents, but even in 1983 I don't see him buying what the kid said*) but then drops him off in the middle of nowhere? Ditto the subsequent adults.
*Adam Walsh was murdered two years earlier in 1981, and this provided a greater awareness for parents and adults in general to keep an eye on kids.
Gina, who was parked adjacent to the Rolls Royce saw Mrs. Howell and the fuss she created when the dog was stolen, yet had completely forgotten about her a few days later when Mrs. Howell turned up at the dog store looking for the same type of dog?
I'm not even commenting on things like the mega-range hand held CB radio working from the desert or the Mach 6 (76 miles/minute) shuttle taking several minutes to cover 150 miles.
Interesting trivia:
Initial TV appearance of Brigitte Burdine, who played the bad girl Gina. Her next role was Mike Hammer: Too Young to Die. The actress was killed at age 48 in a hit and run crash in Los Angeles.
This episode like so many of the later season (5/6) ones sucked because it departed in a huge way from what the CHP actually does. There was not one plot line that actual CHP officers would have become involved with. Yes, they would have chased the dog thief (as noted above they would have caught him due to having more power). The case would have been worked by local law enforcement. That made the sick kid/CHP plot line irrelevant.
RIP Ron Swanson. Writers created your awesomeness in S1 and killed it in S7