In season 1 he is hilarious!! I was ROFL yesterday when Jon's neighbor was finished using Jon's hairdryer and left. Ponch goes "Why didn't you ask her to stay? We could have made coffee, I would have offered her a ding dong-------or something" That was classic !
Season 1 is really excellent. Been a long time since I've seen these episodes, and I forgot how good the chemistry was among the whole cast. The love/hate relationship between Ponch and Getraer in particular. It's too bad the show lost this as the seasons went on.
I'm not all that crazy about the first 10 or so episodes of CHIPS. Erik Estrada was game and gave it all playing Ponch as a junk food loving, buffoonish guy, but Estrada's natural swagger and obvious good physique just didn't make such a portrayal convincing so I'm glad they toned that down as Season 1 went along. Also glad they toned down the Ponch-Baker/Gretier conflict as well as in the early episodes it played like some sort of Abbott and Costello in the service comedy, always finding a way to antagonize their commanding officer.
The last few episodes were quite good--solid stories with not too much comedy relief. It seemed the producers, writers, directors, actors and crew finally found the right groove to make the show work. Flashback, which wrapped up Season 1, was an especially good episode.
Episode 1 of Season 2 and you can definitely see the changes. The producers brought in Harlan to be the comic relief and foil to Getraer, so Ponch could become more serious. In that extended disco dance scene, you can see the Estrada ego beginning to tighten its grip on the show, lol. Btw, not a great idea for a 9 months pregnant woman to hit the disco.
Btw, not a great idea for a 9 months pregnant woman to hit the disco.
Maybe she and her baby daddy were tired waiting for the baby to come so they hit the disco to induce labor? If so, it worked!
At least Estrada could pull of the disco moves; but when he started to sing on the show, It was amusing to see Jon at the disco--talk about fish out of water, lol!
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Ponch sure could dance! Yes he was much better a dancer than singer ( LOL the battle of the bands ep)!!!
Only on TV could a baby be born that quickly! And with no mess. Ponch and Jon deliver a baby and their clothes don't even have a spot on them! And their hands are clean too!! LOL!!! If that happened in real life they would be messy after that! ( trying not to get too graphic here) but you all know what I mean if you ever had a baby or saw a baby being born!! Same as when they delivered a baby on the freeway in season 1 and again in season 6! Makes it look like having and delivering a baby is a breeze! Takes a few minutes and is just a very simple thing! LOL!!!
And once the the mother and her newborn were taken out, everyone was back on the dance floor boogieing in the same spot where a birth had just taken place.
Ponch was funny in the Undertow ep. where he inhales the nitrous oxide and gets high!! The scene with Mr. Howell/Jim Backus who was the drunk driver was hilarious! Jon was like WTF is going on when Ponch and the drunk guy were laughing together like they were old friends!!!
So funny you mentioned that about the ding dongs. I saw that same episode and wrote that comment in a message to some friends of mine telling them that just made me howl when he said that.