MovieChat Forums > CHiPs (1977) Discussion > It's baaaaack on Me-TV

It's baaaaack on Me-TV

It will be back on Me-TV starting on 13 July 2015 at it's old time slot of 5:00 PM, replacing the just recently installed Gilligan's Island and Hogan's Heroes. If you're afraid of suffering from Gilliganus Interruptus (AKA Gilligan Withdrawal), fret not. If you live in certain markets, you'll be able to see it at 7:30 AM. Hogan is apparently gone for the summer.


It's on at 6PM ET

5pm is for the "fly over" states...

You can't go wrong drowning politicians Henry. The Black Swan (1942)



Glad to see it back on the air. Maybe Me-TV was inundated with complaints after it had been removed from the schedule.

CHiPs deserves to be re-run, so new audiences can see it.


YAY!!! I know!!!! It starts today!!!! I sure missed seeing Erik everyday. My prayers of it coming back on have been answered!


Also if you miss Gilligan. They have Gilligan's Island on TV LAND at 5-6 PM! That is PST though. So check your local listings!



Looks like it's gooooone again. Starting Monday MeTv has Hogan's and Gilligan's in the Chips spot. Why the hell did they bring it back for only a couple of weeks?


WHAT???? Are you serious????


False alarm. My dvr guide had Hogan's/Gilligan's listed in the Chips spot all next week. I check today and Chips is right back where it should be. Crisis averted.


Oh good. Now I won't jump off a bridge after all!
