Favorite episodes?
Couldn't find a favorite episode thread so I thought I'd start one. Two that are always at the top of my list are:
1. Sick Leave. The one where the CHP officer(Robert Viharo) is slowly dying of a brain tumor. I thought the story had unusual depth for Chips and Viharo really carried the episode with his performance. That final crash scene with Viharo carrying the girl away from the burning car in slo-mo, with a heart beat thumping in the background, is one of the best scenes in the entire series.
2. Valley Go Home! This might be the ultimate Chips episode, and the one that always springs to mind when I think about the series. It's so damn 70s. You got the vans with the wacky illustrations on the sides, 8 tracks getting ripped off and hardcore surfs vs. vals gang activity. The final scene with the surfs and vals sitting together on the beach with broken arms and legs is awesomely hilarious.