The turnstile in Jon's kitchen
Worst idea ever. Talk about the ultimate nutbuster.
shareIMO, the ultimate nutbuster was the game show Nutcracker! as depicted in the Supernatural episode Changing Channels. Here's a clip:
RIP Ron Swanson. Writers created your awesomeness in S1 and killed it in S7
I thought it was completely stupid when I first saw it, and that was when I was a young kid. I remember asking my mom why he had a wheel in his kitchen, and she said because it was supposed to look cool. I think they failed on that.
shareIt is kind of strange! Seems more like something Ponch would have rather than Jon, he seems to practical to have that in his kitchen!
shareJon would use it instead of a cold about a ballbuster !
shareI was about 9 or 10 when CHIPS was in first run, and at the time I thought the turn-style was really cool! I even asked my Mom if we could get one for the kitchen! Fast-Forward 35 years and I start watching the DVDs and can't believe I ever liked it. It is one of the stupidest ideas EVER.
Was this a "thing" in the 70s that people had? Of just some oddball idea they came up with for the show? I just wonder if anyone ever had one of these in their home in real life.
I was a teenager in the 70's! And no, nobody in real life had a turnstile in their kitchen! Just something they came up with for the show! Still, Jon doesn't strike me as the kind of person that would have something silly like that in his kitchen!
I think it would have actually been pretty cool if it was near the front door ,like in a store!
Like the pants in the 70's weren't tight enough to bust his balls, he needed a turnstile in the kitchen to do it!!! LOL!!!
shareThe set designer was prob. A woman...thought it was a unique idea to put the ballbuster in his kitchen...personally I've never noticed it. ..I'm usually too busy watching Sindy or Bonnie's cute asses...