The UFO episode: What happened??
OK………..somebody fill me in regarding the ‘UFO’ episode.
It aired the other day, but I only saw the 1st half of it.
The young girl is in court…
Her mom is nowhere to be found...
Ponch and ‘Fake–John’ show-up………
Why?............(We know why………*wink-wink*….)
Judge: “Well……..your Mom’s not here….so off to juvy you go!”
Ponch: “Excuse me, your Honor…….. I’m not related to this nubile young teen in any way, but she can stay at my place!! *wink-wink*”
(His eyebrows flutter up and down as he flashes his tombstone-teeth….)
Judge: “Whatta ya say, hon?”
Girl: “That would be SUPER!!!!”
Girl’s attorney (looking at Ponch): “I can think of no one better I’d rather leave a young pubescent girl with…..”
And that’s it!
The Judge bangs his gavel, Ponch tosses the giggling girl over his shoulder, and off they go.
Now………..exactly how long is she going to stay with Ponch?
A day??
A week?
Until she’s no longer a young teen on the brink of full womanhood?
And isn’t she interfering with Ponch’s ‘swingin’ d|ck’ lifestyle???
Next scene……………………and this was REALLY creepy……..
The girl is getting ready to go to bed……… PONCH’S bed!!!!!!!
Girl: “Thanks for giving up your bed, Ponch…”
Ponch: “I don’t mind. Besides, I’ll come in after your asleep and watch you while I rub one out…..”
‘Fake-John’ (Yeahhhhhh…..he’s there, too….): “….and I’ll be over bright & early to make my special ‘bacon & eggs’ breakfast *wink-wink*…”
And that’s when I had to leave…………it was so *beep* creepy I could not stop laughing.