Did I imagine this....?
Did I imagine Barbra baring her breasts during her and Kris's first love-making scene?
I went to see this film at the cinema when it was released here in the UK and I'm almost certain I have never watched it since. Despite that being over 35 years ago certain scenes vividly stuck in my head and after watching the Blu-ray release today most of those scenes were pretty much as I remembered them. However, I have this distinct image in my head of Barbra removing her top and then leaning over Kris with her bare breasts fully on show. Watching that scene again it almost appears that you catch a glimpse of her left breast as her top is coming off but then it cuts quickly. Did I imagine it? I can find no other discussion about Bab's baps so I'm guessing I did.
I knew I was gay even at 15 when I went to see the film and wouldn't really have been particularly excited about the prospect of seeing Barbra's boobs so I can't understand why my mind would play such a trick on me. I even seem to remember thinking at the time something along the lines of "even Barbra's jumped on the 'get your tits out' band-wagon". Perhaps it's the fact that Barbra is bra-less all the way through the film and even a lusty young 15 year old gay lad can appreciate a nice pair when he sees them. And obviously appreciate them enough to mentally undress them and have a 30' high pair of bazookas haunt him for the rest of his life.
So, did I imagine it or not? I'm pretty sure I know the answer already.